The Heart House Vein Center
Varicose and Spider Vein Treatment - Patient Information
General Information for ALL Patients
- Bring a pair of shorts with you to each visit.
- Once you receive compression hose, bring them back with you to each visit.
- Do not wear any lotion on your legs the day of treatment.
- On average, each spider vein requires 3 to 6 treatments before resolution.
- Spider vein fees reflect a 20 minute session.
- Laser patients for spider veins: NO sun exposure or tanning bed use for four weeks before a treatment and no artificial tanner use for two weeks before a treatment.
Information for Vein Surgery Patients
- Bring a driver to drive you home.
- No one other than the patient and medical staff are allowed in the surgery room.
- You may resume normal activities within 2 days after surgery.
- You may resume exercise after 1 week.
- Do not swim or use a hot tub for 3 weeks after surgery.
- Do not take aspirin, aspirin products, or Vitamin E supplements for 5 days before surgery unless otherwise instructed by your physician.
- You should eat a normal breakfast before coming in for surgery. You can also take all normal medicines except the aspirin products.
- Wear comfortable clothing on the day of surgery and loose fitting shoes.
- Please provide us with two (2) weeks notice if you must cancel your surgery. Failure to do so will result in a $100 fee being charged.
What to Expect Before Treatment Begins
- If necessary, you will be given valium or a similar medication to help you relax during the treatment.
- You will be prepped and draped for the procedure.
- The leg will be mapped using ultrasound. This shows the path of the diseased vein.
What to Expect After Treatment
- Compression dressing is placed on treated leg for 2-3 days.
- Compression stockings to be worn for 2 weeks.
- Return to work the next day.
- Abstain from high impact activities (running, step aerobics, etc.) for a period of 3 weeks.
- Walking is encouraged and will aid in the healing process.
What to Expect After Treatment
- Slight redness to skin in treated area. This will fade away within a few weeks.
- Slight swelling in the treated area.
- Slight bruising.
Contact Us

Please get in touch to learn more about the Heart House Vein Center. Schedule an appointment today to discuss the best vein treatment options for you.